
Make quick and easy payments to over 150+ countries

Enjoy transparent and cost-effective payments with low fees and make multiple transfers at the click of a button

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Transferring of Money Easy Through Whatsapp

Make transactions via WhatsApp without additional applications easy, cost-efficient, fast, reliable and transparent for our customers.


Why choose us?

Swift and easy online registration

Clear steps in online registration. Complete the requirements and finish the registration in minutes.

Easy access for online transactions.

Readily available mobile app on Appstore or Playstore and/with official website as an alternative.

Wide global reach

Strong global presence as it partners with 139 countries and transacting 32 currencies.

Negotiable Rate

get your own special rate

Friendly Business Support team

Helpfull busines support team. Connect with the team in our app and website.

Usefull tracking system

Conveniently track transactions from our app or official website.

Easy steps to transfer abroad with Adaremit


Sign Up and Create an Account Within Minutes

Sign up and verify via our website, mobile app or whatsapp easily.


Enter Amount and Recipient Details

Total IDR Amount will be calculated and estimated completion time will be provided


Real Time Transaction Status Updates

Transaction status will be updated and can checked at anytime and everywhere.

What can a business do?


Easy and cost-effective international payment solution


Enjoy competitive rates and lower fees while effortlessly paying suppliers and vendors on our business account flatform. Using Adaremit service allowed us to be more efficient and lower cost when doing payment transactions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we have. Connect to our customer service through our downloaded app, website, and designated Whatsapp number (+62 811 6028 664).
Verify your accounts by submitting a valid government issue ID (KTP) or Passport on our website, app or through whatsapp.
The majority of transactions are completed within 24 hours if a money transfer is done on a ban, king day.
Transaction will resume on the next regular banking day.
Yes, it is safe as Adaremit works closely and is regulated by the Central Bank of Indonesia
Yes, money you transfer can be refunded and send back to your bank.

We’d passion to help you grow

Register a business account in just 5 minutes online


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Helpful business support team that will help you

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